Rail Services in South Australia
Rail Services in South Australia
Adelaide City and South Australia Country Services: WWW.ADELAIDEMETRO.COM.AU
When visiting the beautiful city of Adelaide it is worth taking the tram to Glenelg just for the trip. However at the end of the line is a wonderful centre of food and shopping right alongside the beautiful Adelaide beaches.
There is also a wonderful train trip to be had winding its way up into the Adelaide Hills to visit the historic township of Belair.
Rail passenger transport to other South Australian towns is available along the Indian Pacific route from Broken Hill and back north to Port Pirie and Port Augusta past the picturesque southern Flinders Ranges.
NOTE: All links are to English versions of the websites. Most are in local languages. If links are broken (as websites often change their templates) simply go to the home page listed and search for the country of interest.
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